PRE Registration

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For 3,4 year olds
Grades K thru 7,Confirmation Prep Grades 8-12
Grades 1 thru 7, Confirmation Prep Grades 8-12, RCIC Grades 3-8

For sacramental preparation this parish follows the policy set forth by the Catholic Diocese of Memphis. A child must have two consecutive years of formation leading up to reception of any sacrament.

*Sacramental year fees are not included in tuition fee.

Sacramental year fees per child: 1st Recon. /1st Comm. Fee (2nd gr. or RCIC) $40.00

Confirmation Fee (Confirmation Prep Grades 8-12) $40.00

Emergency Contact (other than parent)

In case of medical (or surgical) emergency, I herby give permission to the physician selected by Incarnation Catholic Church DRE or his/ her representative to hospitalize and/or secure proper medical treatment for my above named child. I understand that I am responsible for the cost of any medical treatments (including surgery) received by my child. I hereby release the directors and staff of Incarnation PRE from all responsibility for sickness or accidents, which occur during the PRE school year (or event). I understand that I will be contacted immediately in the case of an emergency.

Medical Emergency Authorization

I am enrolling my child in the Incarnation Parish Religious Education program and I understand that as a parent, I am primarily responsible for the on-going religious formation of my child, including regular attendance at Mass, reception of the sacraments, participating in the life of the parish and ensuring my child regularly attend PRE classes.

Primary Educator Acknowledgement

NOTE: This form requires a separate payment submission. Once the payment is made, return to this page to submit the registration.

Payment Status

Make your payment here. Select the appropriate item from the drop down menu.

Tuition*: 1 Child: $80.00; 2 Children: $150.00; 3 or more Children: $200.00