Daily Mass is 8:15 AM, Monday-Saturday.
Weekend Masses are 5 PM Saturday (Sunday Vigil) and 8 AM, 10:30 AM, 12:15 PM and 2 PM (Spanish-St. Therese Chapel) Mass on Sunday.
Holy Days are 7 PM (Vigil), 8 AM, 12:00 PM, 7 PM and 7 PM (Spanish-St. Therese Chapel).
Need directions? Click Here.
Adults receive preparation for this sacrament in the RCIA class.
Children in the second grade or higher should attend Parish Religious Education classes or have been in a parochial school for the year prior to receiving the sacrament. Contact Lea Weaver at 853-0135 for more information or use the contact form below.

If you or a loved one cannot make it to our Masses due to hospitalization or long-term illness and still wishes to receive Holy Communion, contact us. Please contact the Parish Office at 853-7468 or use the form at the bottom of the page.
We have low gluten hosts available for those with allergies. For weekend Masses, at the beginning of Communion, please go to the right side of the main aisle up front by Father and an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion will be there to give you the low gluten host. For daily Mass, speak to Father directly.

Church of the Incarnation