Adult Formation

We are offering 3 different Bible Studies this year!

Scripture Study

Catholic Scripture Study : The Bible Timeline

Classes begin September 8:                                             Sunday morning 9:00-10:15am

Book orders due August 16, 2024. 
Cost is $40.  See forms in the Narthex, PRE office or church office.


Lent 2025

Scripture Study

“Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life”

Classes begin the week of January 21st:                        Tuesday 10:00-11:30am or Wednesday 7:00-8:30pm

Book orders due January 10, 2025. 
Cost is $32.  See forms in the Narthex, church office or PRE office


February – May 2025

A Bible Study just for Women!  Starts September 10th!

“Passionate Discipleship” with Walking with Purpose

Tuesdays 6:00pm, Feb. 18-Apr. 15

OR Fridays 10:30am, Feb. 21-May 2

Call or text Cheryl (316)214-5792 or

Teresa (901)229-4570 to register.  See bulletin to order book, or pick up form in Narthex or church office.

Meetings Monthly

Small Groups

Our small church communities are usually, but not always, formed after the Light of the World retreat.

The parish guides each community to fellowship, praise, study, serve, and pray together. If you are interested in joining one of the small church communities at our parish, we will be glad to help get you connected!

Friday Mornings 

Fishers of Men

We invite all men of the parish to meet every Friday, from 6:45 to 7:45 am, in the Fellowship Hall.

Please drop in to the meetings as your schedule permits. Bring your Bible and enjoy the conversation.

Pick Something Up at Mass

Catholic Formation Resources

Find Catholic formation resources in the narthex kiosk. Our Parish also subscribes to Formed at  You will be sent an email to log in once you go to their website.




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