Are you new to a Catholic Church? Be sure to stop by our Welcome Desk.
Beautiful Music
Donna Sloan is our Director of Liturgical Music. Donna has more than 40 years of service in the Catholic Church, 30 of those years as Liturgical Music Director. Donna has directed adult and children choirs and ensembles, trained cantors, choir members, and instrumentalists, and plays the piano and the organ, just to name a few of her accomplishments.
Please consider joining this wonderful ministry – we will need singers, handbell ringers, and instrumentalists. No experience necessary to sing in the choir – just a desire to learn and be part of a group that unites the parish in prayer with their music.
Choir Practice: Wednesdays 6:30 – 8:00 pm, in the Choir room.
Handbell Choir Practice: Thursdays 6:00 – 7:00 pm, in the Choir room
Screens & Hymnals
By using screens and hymnals during Mass we are trying to respond to the needs of all of our parishioners and visitors who come to our Church for worship.
Our hope is that every person will find here the presence of God in the way it fits them the most.
Coffee & Donuts Bar
Don’t race out the door after Mass. Hang around and make friends. Ask some questions and get involved.
Church of the Incarnation